
Researching care-based work ethics on linen / alternative models in art (2021)

Vrouwenmantel Art Research Group has set up three research groups for fellow students of the St Joost School of Art & Design in which research was conducted into alternative models in art and alternative models that the students are examinating in their own artistic practice.

Within Vrouwenmantel Art Research Group we are looking for alternative models that can be applied in art to break through the current competitive mode and to search for models that can function from a caring attitude.

We have now build up an archive of books and essays on motherhood in art and have found many useful sources for new models. One source is Rachel Epp Buller’s and Charles Reeve’s book ‘Inappropriate Bodies’. The discussions in the three research groups were conducted on the basis of texts from this book, after which we made the research visual on linen to provide insight into the different models we created.